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Zoom! Zoom! Zoom You Way To Success!


 Sure “Giving Your Way To Success” is an incredibly important issue and several of you will not even understand how giving equals success in business. That’s fine… it’s a “heart & mind”-set thing in part. Kinda’ like good marketing it is less about “You or Me” than it is about what “others” need.

Yeah, I know we’ve all been told that the POINT of all business is the bottom line profit!

No profit, no business, right?

Well, that is what we’ve been told anyway. Hey, understand me correctly; I am a huge fan of “PROFIT”! Nothing wrong with being handsomely rewarded for helping others get more of what they want need and desire is there? NO! Of course not!

For well over 25 years, people have crowned me the “Profit Prophet”, it’s not what I asked for nor really want out of life, just keep in mind this is all really about passion and balance in business AND in life!

As a group, an community and online family here, WE have been discussion, as the world has, the principle of “Giving, Free, & Focusing on the Wants, Needs and Desires of Others” as success and business model. To that I say BRAVO!

Sure, all seem to at-least give a tip of the hat to the principles expressed here of late, as well as over the years, and for some, it is more of “lifestyle” and for others still, it is just a worthy ideal to maybe, eventually aspire to and the rest are all too busy trying to grow their own business to pay much attention.

We’ve all see “those” websites and “Me Me Me” marketing campaigns haven’t we?

Anyway… allow me to tread lightly into the over-all, true balance in a “complete success, high-performance lifestyle”. ~ Without it, money, fame, fortune and all the trappings of so-called success are of little consequence anyway.

Our lives run on much less than all cylinders necessary to truly gain the speed necessary to win in the success race unless we learn to embrace this balanced lifestyle thing.

Again, as I said, it’s often more of a “Heart & Mind”-set thing… Let’s just look at “BALANCE” as if it was and engine that makes us “GO” in life. (In no particular order as all are inexplicably intertwined)

=1) 1 Cylinder is obviously “Financial/Business” Success.

=2) 1 Cylinder has to be our “physical” success. Our health… the part we can impact on a regular basis anyway.

=3) 1 Cylinder is “Relational Success”. How well we serve and support and interact with others.

=4) 1 Cylinder is “Emotional” success. How well we “Cope/Deal” in the world. This is our “Self Confidence” and all the emotional wherewith all we have or do not have. This too impacts all the other cylinders as well, as do ALL the cylinders, but this is a more essential cylinder to “grease” and maintain, as it were. That is if you are a 4 Cylinder vehicle… the more cylinders you have, the more power you have as well.

Let’s look at just two more to make it 6 Cylinders, OK?

=5) 1 Cylinder is Growth & Education. If we stop learning and growing, we are dying… rigor mortise sets in and we become stiff and rigged till we fade away.

=6) 1 Cylinder is our Spiritual Connection/Convictions. The part of us that is connected to something greater than ourselves and yet often ignored, but has the greatest impact on the rest of the vehicles over-all performance! (Especially as it all relates to what we refer to as “BUSINESS”… this is a huge mistake. Take CARE if this cylinder too!) The high performers have 8 Cylinders…

=7) 1 Cylinder is our Moral/Ethical outlook, experience and behavior.

=8) 1 Cylinder is Care & Contribution… it’s “what we put-out” in the world. Is it pollution or clean air… does it advance or decay our environment? Too, applying this simple metaphor, each part is designed to work “together”, WITH each other for maximum success… one cylinder relies on the other for maximum output! If a cylinder goes bad, or is not working at maximum capacity, the overall performance output suffers. Our ability to “merge into speeding traffic” is slowed, even dangerously so… they must all be working to the very best of their designed abilities for “high-performance” output!

So TODAY, are we running on all 8 cylinders, or is it time to go in for a diagnostic review and tune-up?

Certainly there is LOT more in making a vehicle “GO” that just the cyclers. There are all the nuts and bolts that hold it all together, the inflated and balanced wheels, the steering and directional mechanisms, the gas & break peddles… on and on and on.

I’m sure that any one of us could write a much-needed, even best selling book following this simple metaphor along theses life principles of success or failure.

Like the tool box full of different tools we keep referring to here, each designed for a specific purpose, goal & outcome, but still, the entirety of the system works TOGETHER for the overall good of the vehicle and all we serve… right?

Obviously I am not always firing well on all 8 cylinders… sometimes there is gunk and build-up, or I have just plane neglected one or more parts of my “high-performance-engine” until it sputters for help… we all have!

I guess the only real point of this share is that sometimes we need to go in for a well deserved “tune-up and regular scheduled maintenance” to keep our vehicles in top performance shape.

I know I should, and sometimes even do. On occasion, I even get a new accessory, high-performance kit upgrade, paintjob… BUT I have also had a few flat tires along the roadside or thrown a rod or two, and such is life.

I guess we can only do the best we can with the resources we have.

+ What kind of fuel are we putting into out engines?
+ Are we racing around not paying attention to the carbon on our spark plugs?
+ Are we paying attention to, and rotating our tires, changing our oil, doing our “PM’s” (Preventative Maintenance) along the way, or are we running our vehicles off-road and into the mud?

Speaking for myself, I do some of each.

Too often, I do not feed it the best “fuel” as I always could and occasionally I don’t stop at the prescribed rest-stops for the PM’s and maintenance requires, and still other times I could win any race out there…so what do we do?

The simple answer is: “The Best We Can With The Resources We Have!” (Even if the resource we have at the time is crap!) Sometimes we just need to be reminded with a factory post-card in the mail that it is TIME to work on our vehicle regardless of what-else is going on in our lives. ~ To make sure that our batteries are charged, the tires are inflated and evenly worn and that all cylinders are firing in the right order… etc.

How is YOUR Vehicle doing?

Maybe it’s time for you to bore-out your CYLINDERS and get things firing back on “ALL EIGHT”!

Varoom! Varoom! Varoom!

A Time To Remember…

Sometimes we just need to take moment to honor our core, foundational principles of success.

THIS is one of those moments…

I share this, not as any sort of “GURU” (Cuz I am NOT) but rather because it is about time once again that we ALL remind ourselves of some of the basic, never-ending truths upon which we build our success lives upon!

PLEASE do yourself a favor and take moment to remember and honor the basics of success that the rest of all of life is based upon, or at-least ONE of them.

Benjamin Franklin was sage in this way as he would focus, over time on theses inevitable truths he referred to as “Virtues”. We will just call them “Foundations”, OK?

FIRST; allow me to start out by clarifying one Mission Critical Point:

 ** “The POINT of successful and effective marketing has a whole lot LESS to do with making each of US look like a “STAR” and a whole lot MORE about making OTHERS (your buyers/audience/clients/relationships) look like  the “STARS” that ‘they’ are!” **

SURE, there are a zillion ways to accomplish this. Plus, that is a pretty BIG concept and at this point you either “get-it or you do not”. Neither makes us good or bad at this stage of the game, it is just what is…

That said;
REMEMBER, the more you really focus on the success of others, the more YOU will become the “star” that you long to be. This is not some ‘ethereal notion or ideal’, this is the fact of life…

SURE there are some powerful influence, persuasion, marketing strategies, tips, tricks, techniques and success tools that will help you to make your journey a whole lot shorter, but there is no shortcut to helping others get more of what THEY want need and desire!

Start where you can start and DO SOMETHING now!

Will everything you do be “perfect”?

NOPE, but I will share with you a dirty little secret that most proven success experts don’t want you to know… MOST of what we still do, to this day is not “perfect”, but we DO IT ANYWAY!

Babe Ruth or “any” success story reads much the same and has less to do with the home runs than it has to do with the sheer number of time they got up to bat and TOOK THE SWING!

= Decide
= Plan
= Tweak, Test and Evaluate
…lather, rinse, and repeat!

The more you do it, the better you will get, so GO DO IT!

It turns out that it is just about TIME for us all (With Mirror Firmly In Hand) to revisit and remember now this basic foundational truth!

I will leave you with THIS:
If you “genuinely” have the best and highest good in mind for your re-elationships as you do for yourself, you already KNOW what is the RIGHT thing to do. The way you SERVE Them is the way you will end-up being served yourself… so take better care of them and everything will work-out just fine!

Thinking of YOU and Your Success!
I am, at your service and In HIS Service,