= "Your VIP Pre-Show, Backstage Pass!"
...Welcome To Show Business!
= This "0" Meeting Pre-Show is our opportunity to offer up the "Backstage Pass" and tour of the "FREE & Easy Money, Pay It Forward & Profit!" Program system(s)!
We'll begin with introductions, expectations, accountability & results and a rare sneak-peek look at how your will be able to make massive money doing what you LOVE while SERVING Others at The Same Time!
(Approximately 1 full hour of Training & 40+ Mins of Q&A's & TakeAways.)
= RESULT Action Item:
~ TV: (Transformational Vocabulary.)
Language Matters and the WORDS we choose determine the results we often get in life and in business so This Week (At least The Next 7 Days!) Reduce or REMOVE The Words "Custom, Client, Prospect, Suspect Victim" ;) and start to learn to leverage your more powerful "Service RELATIONSHIP" with our "New Best Friends" and begin to recognize and refer to them as such... by using words like "Friends, Family, Members, Partners, RockStars, Heros, Brothers/Sisters, Legends... etc" and treat people like they are your Very Best Friend and SERVE Your Way To Success!