
Care-Is-Magic Success!

"Care-Is-Magic Success! ~ Re-Elationship Marketing Magic!"

The Super-Simple R3 Model For Relationomic Success, Making Massive Money Doing What You Love While Helping People Get More Of What They Want, Need, Desire and Deserve While Doing Your Passion and Getting Wildly Rewarded For Helping People Produce Real RESULTS In Their Lives and Business! - Truly The Most Perfect Win! WIN! W-I-N! Success Solution Model On The Planet!

(60ish Minutes Training. 40ish minutes Q&A's and TakeAways)

Break-A-Leg (Get ON Stage) Action Outcomes:

-1) ASK (at least) 2 People To List 5 'Deposits' That Are Of Value To THEM! - Then - Serve (at least) 3 of Those DEPOSITS For Them Over The next 7 Days.

-2) Your "High Five" Challenge: Reach out to, investigate and find out about five cause group organizations and go "Get Your Heart Broken" about that group.

Simply have a 'conversation' and find out about your groups and ASK:

- What Do You Do?

- Who Do You Serve?

- What Do You Need?

... to start with.

Super-Simple Memory Jogger Exercise/Worksheet To Help You With Your "Fresh Fruit On The Ground" Relationships...

- Who Do You Interact With?

- Who Do You Do Business With?

- Where Do You Shop?

- Where Do You Eat?


Use The 'Memory Jogger' To Brainstorm Who You Know and Who You Know Who Knows Others That You Can Serve and/or Partner With In The Community.

It Really IS 'That Easy'!


Add 10 Possibilities & Relationships (Direct or Indirect) and Add Them To Your List.


Super-Simple Memory Jogger Exercise/Worksheet To Help You With Your "Fresh Fruit On The Ground" Relationships... => ACTION: Add 10 Possibilities & Relationships (Direct or Indirect) and Add Them To Your List.
Memory Jogger Exercise/Worksheet