YES YOU Can Plan, Position, Promote, PARTNER, PACK, Present, Persuade, Pay-It-Forward and Profit as A Performer, Presenter & Professional!

Secrets To Speaker Success...

Money Making Marketing MAGIC Secrets Of Show Business To GROW Business For Sold-Out SUCCESS & Rock-Star RESULTS!

Ask To Chat With Dean Right Now!

"Make Massive Money Doing What You Love!"
...'Especially' In This Digital (R)Evolution!
NOW More Than Ever!

The "SECRETS To Success" Are Really Little More Than Simple, Transferable METHODS For Achieving  Real Results In Your Speaking Business! ~ More Than 40 years and  30,000 Real, Live Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing Presentations, Principles and Processes of Real World Speakers Including The Sheer Volume of Real-World Experience & Outcomes Revealed So That YOU Make Money NOW!

What You'll Discover in this Exclusive Live (PRIVATE / BETA) Training Mentorship:

Profitable Bookings & Events On Demand!

Command You Own Highly Profitable Bookings & Events Anytime YOU Want! No More Waiting To Make Money!

Pack Events! ...With The RIGHT People!

Uncover The Super-Secret Source For Packing Your Events To The Brim at Zero Cost and Very Little Effort!

Piles of Powerful Pre-Paid Profits!

Grow Your Message Into a Massive Money Making Marketing Machine Before, During & After Your Events!

Pay-It-Forward Partnerships That Rock!

Partner With People Who Desperately Want To Work With You! Have Buyers BEG You To Work With Them!

Uncover The Tested, Tried and True METHODS for  Filling (100% FREE) Rooms On Command & Demand ANYTIME YOU WANT, With 100% The RIGHT People With Absolutely ZERO Marketing Experience & Advertising Expense or ZERO People On Your 'List',  Who Are Highly Qualified Buyers & Attendees Who Desperately Want & NEED What You Have and Get PAID Massive Money Before Ever Stepping On Stage and With Absolutely NO Risk From The ULTIMATE & Totally Irresistible, 'Can't Say No' Offer/Opportunity In A True Win! WIN! W-I-N! Way That Massively Serves EVERYONE On Multiple Levels All While Getting Rewarded Wildly For Helping Others Get What They Want, Need, Desire & Deserve!

That's Right... I'll Teach YOU My Proprietary "VIP, Pay It Forward and Profit, Speaker Success System" so YOU Can Plan, Position, Promote, PARTNER, PACK, Present, Persuade, PROFIT & Pay-It-Forward as A Professional Presenter and Make Massive Money Doing What YOU Love while Helping Others All At The Same Time!

Don't Take My Word For It...

Bralynn Newby,  Message Architect!

"Dean Hankey is a Rock-Star Marketer! He can take any speaker and have them wowing the crowd... meaning that he mentored them so that they had a CROWD to wow too!"

Joel Bauer The Mentors Mentor

“With over 3 decades of stage experience and true expertise in all phases of the marketing process… Dean is an asset  - knows the business inside/out!”

Adryenn Ashley Speaker/Producer

"Dean Is AMAZING! ...Innovation and The Collision of Entertainment & Technology! Couldn't Be More Perfect! ...The Audience Will Be On Fire!"

"Amazing FREE Web-Chat Replay Reveals The Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing Principles Of Making Massive Money Doing What You LOVE!"

40 Min FREE Value-Added, Content Driven Training & 40min of Q&A

Let Me Gift You a 1:1 Success Strategy Session!

RESULTS?? How About What Others Really Have To Say...

LIMITED Access & Availability! (No Kidding!)

I Only Have Space Available For  Select FEW Summer-Semester-Members, So Grab Your Free 'SUCCESS Strategy Session' NOW So I Can Help You Grow Your Speaking Business Success Fast! (No Slimy Sales... Just Here To Help You!)

2024 P3 Speaker Success System Membership Training! | P. Dean Hankey | SpeakTacular EnterTrainer,  MARKETING Magician & PEOPLE Pro!