"One Time KISS" - Sponsorship Dealio...
ENDS at 12 Midnight PT (Gone Forever!)

"One Time KISS" Dealio Closed Forever...

Grab Your FREE MicroTraining Gifts At The Bottom!
M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S!

Explode Your Business Bottom Line Without Breaking The Bank!
Unpack The Proven, Powerful, Profit-Producing Principles of Success That Have Helped So Makey Make More & Massive Money Doing What You LOVE! - Get This 'One-Time' Access (Tools & Training Recording Replay) To These Workshop Trainings!

Friday & SATURDAY ONLYKISS Sponsorship Recording Replay Training DEALIO!
Get PAID Multiple Times Event & Get Your New Year Sponsored!!

  • Discover The KISS (Keep It Super Simple) Step-By-Step Process For Multiplying Your Income On Every Event!
  • Revealed; The KISS Success Weapon You Can Use To Get Instant Revenue Results On Command and Demand!
  • Killer FREE Resources (Tools, Templates, Downloads) That Will Help You Get Your First Sponsor FAST!

Ends Saturday at 12 Midnight!: "One-Time KISS"
WoW Sponsorship Training & Tools Access Dealio!
One-Time, Lifetime, 90% OFF, Very LOW, Skin-In-The-Game Commitment Includes BONUS Live Event Training, Access To Tools, Templates, Downloads, Privileged, Private, Closed-Door Member-Only Training & Community Group ALL for One Time Only $1997! (Normally $2,497.00 - $5,000 For Access To This Level Of Training! - You Can Make That Many Times Over In ONE Single Event!)

Look, A few weeks back we conducted a sponsorship seminar Live in Colon Michigan. The seminar was very well received but many could not make it to Michigan and many have asked "Is there another Workshop"??So we did another Amazing Full-Day LIVE Immersion Intensive Online Virtual Event Last Saturday December 1, where we unpacked & revealed pretty much the whole Kit-N-Kaboodle when it comes to making massive money doing what you love any time you want, getting sponsors and MORE!! (Lots More!!)

...THAT is what You Can Have Full Access To TODAY ONLY!
(Only Until  Saturday, 12 Midnight PT!)

So Here's The Dealio: Right Now There Are Only 2 Options...
=1) Register for our "One-Time KISS" Sponsorship Workshop Access Recording Replay AND get all the trainings, tools private, closed-door member only community and success support (...and Killer BONUS Live Training!) for ONLY a One-Time $1997 Skin-In-The-Game Commitment!

=2) Pass on this special 'ONE-TIME' KISS opportunity NOW and pay $2,497 - $5,000 to learn this another time.

Getting sponsors means you can get paid twice (and MORE!) for every gig you do. - First you get paid from your client what you normally get paid and then the sponsor pays you even more and this is for every single gig you do from this day forward should you want it.

January is the number 1 month for sponsorships and THIS is your last chance to get in on this. Everything you need to get started for less than a hundred bucks.

Very inexpensive to Join Us NOW ...very costly to miss.

Last chance or you'll miss out.

Just SOME of The Key Training Topics You Will Learn!

100% FREE Video MicroCast Training... Enjoy! 
Thanks For Poppin' Buy Today, Enjoy Your FREE MicroTraining Gifts Below!!

Get PAID To Take Vacations!

Why KISS Sponsorships For Your Business Success??

"VIP!" Value, Impact, PROFIT!

Magic In The M.I.S.T. Money On Demand!

The Money Making Marketing Magic of URGENCY!

Wanna' Go FULL TIME Pro?!?

© 2018 Dean Hankey, Marketing Magician & People Pro!  |  Results@Deanhankey.com  |  800-357-7469  | Post Office Box 14514, Reno, NV 89507