“Exclusive, One Of A Kind, “Money Making Marketing M.A.G.I.C… LIVE”, Breakthrough Business Success ‘WorthShop’ Reveals The Proven Result Getting Strategies For Having The Amazing Success You Want Now!”
=> LEARN How to Position Yourself as The Stand-Alone EXPERT In Your Market! The Recognized Go-To Professional In Your Area and Expertise! The ONE Your Audience Will CALL and Book Regardless of Fee!
=> LEARN How To Apply The Top Secret, Inside Strategies of the Super Successful Income Producing Systems That Have Consistently Delivered Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars In Annual Income! And How YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
=> LEARN How The Top Income Producers Earn Massive Piles Of ADDITIONAL Cash At Gigs While Having People Literally BEGGING YOU To Cram Real Money In Your Wallet and Bank Accounts! (…and it’s 100% Legal, Ethical, Moral, FUN & PROFITABLE!)
=> LEARN What The Most Profitable, Stable, High Income Producing Markets Are And How They Apply To YOU and YOUR Explosive Business Growth NOW!
=> Learn How To Stimulate Massive and Profit Making Referral and Testimonial System That Turns Your Business Into a Virtual ATM of Money Making, Raving Fans Working On YOUR Behalf. Virtual FREE, Found Money!
KILLER FREE SUCCESS PRIZES and SURPRISES worth hundreds of dollars!
All this and SO MUCH MORE crammed into this powerful, proven one-day only “Breakthrough BUSINESS SUCCESS WorthShop”!
-1) Book More Gigs! – Locate REAL High-Profitable Events, Fast!
-2) Make More Money! – Leverage Every Opportunity & Multiply Your Money!
-3) Serve More People! – More People… MORE IMPACT & INCOME!
This is 100% REAL, PROVEN, Tested Tried and True RESULT Getting Breakthrough SUCCESS BUSINESS Systems and Solutions from “Been There, Done That”, Experienced Professionals for The Amazing Live, RESULT-GETTING Event!
Profit-Producing People Pro & Money Making Marketing Magician!
Hey I get it! I am YOU… One Of “Us”! – Just another real-world-warrior in the trenches along side of you in this wild, wacky, wonderful “business of show”! – I am far from perfect, but have been blessed with amazing success not ‘because-of’, but in-spite-of those imperfections!
= I am NO superstar juggernaut! I am not the best looking, the most creative nor do I have “The Best” show. YES, I DO have a rock-solid, entertaining, commercial act that audiences love and book over and over and over again! (YES! The Product, Service, Solution HAS to be SOLID!)
=> I am NOT some smarmy business ‘Guru’… NO WAY! – YES, I have had a massive range of real life, show business EXPERIENCE! I simply made more mistakes than most over the last (More Than) 30,000 Real Live Paid, Professional Presentations and the 50ish years ‘if only by the sheer volume of real world experince & RESULTS’ …the good, the bad and the ugly! (…and I LEARNED Something Valuable Every Time!)
=> I LOVE This Business! YES, I have a Massive Passion for Your Success, Our Art and This Industry! It’s My LIFE! – I Simply “REFUSE To Loose!” which only means that I do-not give up ‘even when things didn’t go 100% my way’ and as an obvious outcome; Massive ‘Result-Based’ Experience With What WORKS and What Does NOT! – YES, I genuinely CARE About Your Real Success! – Hey, I’ve done it and I sure ain’t special! I’ve been blessed to be able show many thousands of others how to do this all successfully and so can YOU!
=> I Love To LEARN & to EARN! – EARN A Place In This World and EARN An Amazing Legacy Lifestyle That Support My Life, My Wife & Family, My Community and Beyond! – CANI! Constant And Never-ending Improvement! (As Tony Robbins Says) I am a life-long learner and never-ending student of “What WORKS!” – – “Good, Better, Best ways to achieve specific, measurable, duplicatable RESULTS doing that you will love!”
= This is my CALLING! My Purpose! My Passion! THIS is how I serve BEST! – YOU Win Massive, Measurable, Money Making RESULTS! – Goofy? Fluffy? Too Touchy-Feely? Maybe, but the PROOF is in the pudding… the real results that thousands of others have achieved in their life and in their business! THAT makes it all worth it! See what OTHERS have to say about the specific, measurable RESULTS You Too Can Enjoy Now!
Hey I could sit here all day long and tell you how passionate and convinced I am to make this happen, but you have little reason to listen to me… Soooooo don’t LISTEN TO ME, see for yourself what the results of others has to say about the value of this one-time live event! ~ Dean (See How Many YOU Recognize!)
Inside Magic! (Dot Com)
By Tim “Duped” Quinlan
“Finally, REAL Knowledge About Marketing For Magicians!”
Okay, let’s admit our prejudices once again. Because we are smarter than anyone else and know absolutely everything about everything, we view most “marketing for magicians” seminars as snake oil presentations.
If you are man or woman enough to admit the truth, you know we’re right. We’ve paid handsomely to learn ugly marketing techniques only to come away feeling duped and dirty. YUCK!
So, we came to Mr. Hankey’s lecture with a chip so firmly set on our shoulder that it left an embarrassing mark. (In fact, the mark looked so similar to one left by a bra strap that we were reluctant to take off our shirt as we joined a late night magic jam session in the hotel’s hot tub)
Our posture and body language spoke volumes about our attitude towards this lecture. Our arms were crossed and our mind made-up. We were attending only to write a scathing expose of snake oil purveyors in the Midwest.
Mr. Hankey IS Clever, Funny, and Intelligent! He is an Entrepreneur OBSESSED with finding “a better way.” His advice was practical. In fact, we stumbled out of the lecture hall convinced some of the ideas could actually work. – …and, as it turns out, they DO!
The ‘Invisible Magic Dust’ idea struck us as REAL and PRACTICAL!
In the Bible there are specific methods of determining whether someone is a false prophet. If one claims to be a prophet of God but falls outside the strict guidelines for the job (such as predictions don’t come true, or prophesy is contrary to the Holy Scripture.), that person should be stoned.
We are here to tell you Mr. Hankey would suffer not a single bruise from flung rocks. Not because magicians cannot throw accurately, but because HE IS THE REAL DEAL. – – Do not miss Mr. Hankey’s lecture if he comes your way. It is worth attending if only to see how an authentic magic marketing class would be taught if the teacher actually knew what he or she was teaching.
Tim Quinlan
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“Dean knows more about marketing and about sales Then any man I have ever known. His ideas and concepts And suggestions have been a HUGE help for me in growing my business. In fact if not for Dean, I would not be on my way this year of DOUBLING my gigs. – That is right I said double! – – Just from Dean’s ideas and suggestions and his approach towards marketing, I have learned more than I ever will!
Not many people with his vast knowledge are that thoughtful enough to share their information with others! It was here (The Dean’s List, Your University of Success, Free Member Site) so many years ago where I really wore my first marketing baby shoes and really came to understand, learn and grow in my magic business and my marketing.
Dean, you continue to amaze me. Thank you so very much for this and for your generosity. You have been a true friend and a mentor to me and have really changed my life dramatically. For that I can not thank you enough!”
Kyle Peron
Magician, Author, Artist
The Magic Of Kyle & Kelly
# # # #
“You’re awesome! Any magician who has the desire to be a success should beg you to be their mentor. How About Just ONE Event Buyer… an ‘additional’ $197,000.00 from JUST ONE organization alone! – – The best and most important aspect of working with Dean Hankey is that his mind is full of a lot of very helpful information. He is very supportive and willing to share all of his knowledge. He is a super nice guy and I know when I need his help he will be there for me. I’m blessed to have you as my friend, a mentor and coach.”
Terry Godfrey
Godfrey The Magician
# # # #
Dear Dean,
I wanted to write to tell you how informative and entertaining your lecture was here, at Grand Illusions. The intensity with which you presented your excellent lessons was smoothly contrasted with your warm, brotherly personality. No one at the lecture doubted for a moment that your goal that night was to give us the tools to empower and better ourselves. You really were there for us.
Patient and thorough, you encouraged questions and rewarded the askers with articulate answers. I’m certain that many pens used the majority of their ink on that night.
We’ve hosted dozens of lectures at Grand Illusions and we’ve seen spectacular talent teach us incredible tricks. – You taught us how to take those tricks and turn them into business, contacts, prospects and, ultimately, money and great success. I would wholeheartedly recommend your lecture to any host, magician or, quite frankly, any businessman interested in succeeding.
In closing, let me thank you very much for coming and for giving us the tools we need to succeed.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Johnson, Owner
Grand Illusions Magic Shop
& TheMagicBroadcast.com
# # # #
“Wow…you know your stuff…wish I could share this with my Gaming/Casino Network Group… this industry is in desperate need of a wake-up call… we need your Steve Jobs mentality….”
Linda Crane, Professor – UNLV
Harrah’s Hotel College of Administration
# # # #
“Thanks Dean for the VERY useful information. Your recommendations are the best and have made me lots of money. I went from ZERO web presence three years ago to now where 90% of my new business comes from the web. YOU were the one who’s advice I followed… and it has paid off!
My association with you has been one of the most rewarding both financially and for my growth as a marketer of my business. He leads by example and delivers value ten fold over what he asks! Keeps pushing forward towards excellence! I like the specific bite size chunks of information and materials!”
Thanks and keep it coming,
~ The Magic of Doug Hoover
# # # #
“Dean is one of the few classy guys left in this world. Thank you for all of your help! Can’t tell you how flattered I am. – – How cool are YOU!?!”
~ Jeff Hobson
The Hilarious Host of Las Vegas & The Illusionists on Broadway
# # # #
“As a speaker & producer I’m constantly looking for platform presenters who can empower my audiences with income producing, freedom generating content and inspiration!
Experience Dean under fire for the money and his knowledge of our business–Dean is an asset to your event–knows the business inside/out…
Dean Hankey IS That Presenter with over 3 decades of stage experience and true expertise in all phases of the marketing process–you’ll thank me!
Dean will thrill your audience before, during and after his presentation–he’s a partner worth dancing with, as he knows all the steps…”
In Truth, Authenticity & Proof,
Joel Bauer, JoelBauer.com
The Mentor’s Mentor
# # # #
I heard you speak many years ago and your words about giving value, developing relationships, an providing solutions have always stuck with me and have had a profound effect on the way I do business!
(Your Speech/Presentation) It’s what started me on my journey to give more to the world than I ever thought I would get in return. But the funny thing is… I’ve received more than I ever thought possible. You’re another man that is living his passion and sharing it with the world!
Starting in January of this year, it seems as if I woke up one day, and my cheese was gone! It forced me to search through the maze, and find a new batch of cheese. This year is turning out to be my best year ever in many ways. It seems that everywhere I look there is a fresh batch of cheese. I believe it was always there, but I just couldn’t see it. That’s just one of the reasons I have much respect for you.
Thanks for giving so much!”
The Magic of Lou Serrano
# # # #
“Hey Dean… My customer from tonight just called with a last minute question, and to THANK ME. – – They ‘were’ at 150… NOW at over 300 with more coming to buy at the door. – 150-plus sold in the last 48 hours! WooHoo!
HOLY COW! – – Over 350 in attendance!
SOLD OUT of just about all of the BOR stuff BEFORE the show even began. Wands & magic kits went like hotcakes. – – I brought along extra order forms, in case this happened. People ordered (and paid for) an extra 19 wands, on top of the 55 I brought with me. Total sales, BOR and back order, was $533! – – This was on top of my fee!!!
The Customer was very happy and will be writing a testimonial letter for me!”
– Donald Dunphy
Professional Magician
# # # #
“Thank you, Dean Hankey, …a fantastic event. Brilliantly curated, every speaker different, every message engaging… and I learned so MUCH! – Thanks for your support and encouragement. ~ Your book is unbelievable!
This is such a genius idea you’ve come up with. So brilliant and evergreen, it just keeps growing and growing year after year. – Genius!
You’re a good man, Deano. Thanks!”
Larry Wilson – Wonderland Show! Harrah’s Casino
Spellbinders Festival of Magic & Thin Air Summit
# # # #
“Dear Dean,
Thanks for providing such a valuable resource! I am always impressed…”
– – Steve Coen,
“The Millionaire’s Magician”
The Franklin Astoria, NYC
# # # #
“…Absolutely AWESOME! – I too have been able to get some major sponsorship both national and local because of the things I learned. I certainly would never have been able achieve the last two $5,000 sponsorships without some of the techniques. They just weren’t on my radar in the last 45 years and I can’t believe that it was that easy (Once I leaned all the methods). Dean is incredibly knowledgeable and I know I will use these techniques from now on.
Brian Glow
International Illusionist and Speaker
# # # #
Wow! I just finished reading Dean’s book that he gave you on disk, “Success by Design“. You have got to read this! It is outstanding. Way to go Dean!
You have to understand why I am so excited about this. You see, I did not really know Dean before this workshop. The mastermind is at work. The way Dean thinks and the way he approaches this business is so similar to what I have discovered. Please take the time to print this book out, read it, and put it to use! – Yes now you can design your own success, you get to create it.
Here are just ‘ some’ of the highlights for me.
* Page 19 – Your Number One Marketing Tool!
* Page 22 – Strong words of encouragement.
* Page 25 – His Video Formula, When you are ready….a MUST!
* Page 45 – This little secret is right on! I did this!
* Page 50 – Did you do it? Did you raise your prices?
* Page 72 – For those who are going to “brochure it”
* You MUST Read, the bottom of page 73!
* Make sure you understand the next to the last paragraph on page 75. – Benefits!
* Page 77 – Relationships, the KEY to your success!
Thank you Dean!
Steve Hart, ‘Magic 2 Motivate’
The Motivational Magician
# # # #
“I know for a fact that some people actually do want to help others succeed. You won’t find a more giving, caring, and sharing individual than Dean Hankey!”
Jack Turk
Magic Marketing Center
Turk The Magic Ginii
# # # #
“Dean recently attended our show after seeing our old website, I just had my website redesigned by an expert and he used many of his (Dean’s) ideas… Dean has valuable information to share!”
Steve Spill
# # # #
AbraKidAbra is one of the best sponsorship tools I’ve ever seen. I wish I had access to this years ago. It’s like having a $50,000 a year BONUS Every-Year For LIFE compliments of Dean Hankey.”
Claude Haggerty
Canada’s Largest Touring Illusion Show
# # # #
Dean Hankey IS a Rock Star Marketer! He can take any speaker and have them wowing the crowd….meaning that he mentored them so that they had a CROWD to WoW too!
Bralynn Newby
The Message Archtech, Speaker & Author
# # # #
“Brother Dean,
I wanted to write and say THANK YOU for helping to make the Super-Conference such a fantastic, mind-blowing experience! – – I had known of you for the past few years, and I’m glad we had a chance to finally connect.
You certainly gave 110 percent, and were a huge reason the weekend was so fantastic. It truly was a life changing weekend. – – Can’t wait until we do it again!!!”
All the best,
Marty “the cry baby” Hahne 🙂
# # # #
This Last Year Was My BEST-EVER Year Financially Since I Started This Magic Business in 1994. My plan for this year is to double last year’s results by doubling my goals.“
Charlie Fass
Mr Illusion
# # # #
The best ideas I have ever heard! I am going to do it at my next gig! – What a brain-buster!
It is always a pleasure to learn from others.”
Thank you very much!
Millard Grubb
# # # #
“Dean Hankey: ‘The Dean of Success!’ is one of the most knowledgeable magicians and marketers alive today! He’s done it all and will share his private methods for booking super high paying gigs and making an outrageous income as a full time performer!”
– – Dave Dee – Dave Dee, Inc.
Director, Dan Kennedy, No B.S. Marketing
# # # #
Dean Hankey does it again! THE Guru of Marketing Magic, Dean Hankey has truly “Been There, and Done That” when it comes to making money performing magic!
Julian Franklin – Magician, Author, Speaker.
# # # #
Get AbraKIDabra from Dean Hankey… I’ve been using it and it’s produced some amazing results! It can be customized easily to provide contact info AND a variety of different tricks for folks to learn. You could go for several weeks and provide different “learn-a-trick” pages each week. You can get it here: http://www.AbrakidabraSuccess.com I’ve had AbraKIDabra and I LOVE IT! – I use it in addition to his MILLION $$$ Bills.
=> Dean’s got the GOODS!”
If you’re from Las Vegas…..don’t bother…..it won’t work. If you’re from anywhere else…..what are you waiting for?? (I have no financial interest in Dean Hankey’s products….they just WORK if you do!)
Al Jenson
Las Vegas Magic Al
# # # #
Thanks so much! – I used your line word for word to a client who was balking at my fee for a company picnic and HE BOOKED! – – Then I did an up-sell and sold 150 magic goody bags! – – Thanks again for the advice!”
James Munton
# # # #
“Millard Grubb is excellent, Dave Dee Is Amazing, Randy Charach is a millionaire magician, but check in with Dean Hankey… The guy is far beyond being a ‘Marketing Guru’ – He’s more like A Marketing Deity!”
– Robert Smith
The Fair-Game Podcast!
The Conjuring Machine
# # # #
“Dean Is The BEST! I’m just floored by all the information. I’m really excited about learning to market myself! – – I can see the testimonial now: “I’m a famous Magic DVD Star, but I couldn’t get a booking to save my life, then I met The Dean…”
Thanks so much, Dean! YOU ROCK!
Ben Salinas
# # # #
“Very Useful, GREAT Stuff!”
Ken Scott
Ken Scott Magic
President, International Brotherhood of Magicians’
# # # #
Dean Hankey ROCKS!!!
Dean Hankey just absolutely set us on fire! I honestly couldn’t keep my pen going fast enough to write down all of the tips and strategies he revealed to us.
Incredibly generous, incredibly valuable & incredibly insane! Dean spilled the beans on this one for sure! The first fifteen minutes alone could make you thousands and thousands of dollars! LOADED with more than you could do in year! Talk about over-delivering!
– Eric Paul
“More Money With Magic!”
Super Conference For Amazingly Successful Entertainers!
# # # #
“Dean, You should write a book or course. – It’d be a winner!!! You’re a super smart guy!”
Bill Berkey, Las Vegas
Bill Scott Magic
# # # #
“It has been a really busy year with a lot of growing pains as my company has increased 100%, AND we are now going through an additional 40% growth this year yet again!
Well we did our first program for a school in Maryland and it turned out to be a HUGE success. We had over 425 people by tickets to the show (standing room only for them)! It was the most people the PTA has ever had at any of their functions. They also raised over $1000.00 due to the program we presented! – As Dean Says: “The More VALUE You Create, The More Money You’ll Make!” – Right!?!
We now have the local newspaper ready to do a featured article on the next school we do. They want to follow me through the whole process and interview the school.
All in all without Dean I would never of made this leap of faith, one of which a full scale illusion show. But I did and it was well worth it. Not only did we make a good chunk of money, but more importantly we raised money for the school and left a positive mark on the community that I know will last a long time.
Thanks so much for your open and giving soul, we are all better people here because of it!”
May God Bless,
The Magic of Paul Krendal
The Escapologist From The Illusionists
# # # #
“Dean shares so much content that it is just insane! Dean has great info and if you can see what I would call the REAL CONTENT it is well worth while.
Sometimes I have to listen over again… what Dean shares is awesome! – Just a couple of ideas from Dean have netted big money. He doesn’t just hand you the “hey go out and copy my idea”, he gives you the “hey this would work if you make it fit YOU”.
Kyle Groves Magic
The Magic Fun Place
Pueblo, Colorado
# # # #
“Hey Dean!
I want to thank you for that amazing call last night. So much of the information seems so obvious when you explain it, but I never would have been able to come up with it on my own.
I am normally one of those guys who never takes advantage of those free consultation offers, but I really want to get the most out of this! The opportunities you showed us are staggering, and I can’t wait to get started. I am thrilled that you made the call invitation only, because I don’t want ANYONE else in my market to know what I learned!
Thanks A Million,
Terry Parrett
# # # #
“Are you familiar with work of Dave Dee, Joel Bauer, Eric Paul, Dean Hankey, David Farr, John Carlson, Tony Daniels and even Anthony Robbins?”
One of The guys that got me started on the road to success is a man by the name of Dean Hankey. In fact just ONE of his ideas that he outlines in his products made me over $20,000.00! (…and It Cost Me .90 cents to do!) If you aren’t paying attention to Dean Hankey, You ARE Missing Out!
If this doesn’t blow your competition out of the water, nothing will! Dean Hankey…MASTER MARKETER, PROMOTER, MAGICIAN and HECK of a GOOD GUY!
Brad Ross; International Illusionist
Make Magic Money – Magic Marketing
Star of Disney’s ‘Mickey’s Magic Show’!
# # # #
“Your Marketing Skills are ‘TOPS’. Even KIDabra sure can use talent like yours!”
Dennis Michael
Kidabra International Administrator
Atco, NY
# # # #
Thanks for the Invisible Magic Dust. It Rocks! – – I had the IMD for about 3 weeks before I had the opportunity to offer it to one of my clients. They were having a hospitality suite after a convention and wanted to have magic, I booked the event and then used the IMD as an add on sale they got 500 of them, at $1.00 each.
Less than 2 weeks later another client ordered 250 of them at $2.50 each!!! – Since then I have sold it to sales people in lots of 100 to go with their business cards. The copy store that I have print some of them up at ordered 1000 of them.
The ROI on IMD is Great! I have sold over $2,500.00 worth of IMD so far with no end in sight.”
John Juretich
Success Magic!
# # # #
“Congratulations, DEAN, for putting together a site that does this sharing and growing thing so well. God bless you for breathing fresh air into magic and what a group of magi can accomplish online & offline
Dean’s advice for you was translated from stone tablets given to him on the mountain, so follow it! – – There’s an expression about how much can be accomplished if no one cares who gets the credit — and this is the attitude DEAN has brought!”
Chris Carey, President
Chris Carey: Creative Communication, Inc.
Author of The Book Trilogy: “Do The Stuff That’s YOU!”
# # # #
“Thanks to your expertise and insights and plain ol’ sound advice! I more than doubled my fees and the calls keep coming in! Damn, Dean, You Are good!”
– Shane – Executive Editor
Visions, The Online Journal for the Art of Magic!
# # # #
“Dean Hankey is a smart and ethical marketer who really knows his stuff. I fully endorse all is efforts with complete trust and confidence.”
– Randy Charach
Secrets of a Millionaire Magician